• Okategoriserade

    Heat failure

    I think everyone now and again does things they normally wouldn’t. Things they know won’t really work or shouldn’t be done. But we simply have to try. Take me for example. I very well know that not all plastics like heat. But did I think twice before I tried straight brushing my hair with a blow drier set to maximum heat? No. Did the hairbrush like it? Not even the slightest. Lucky enough it’s just one of those knock-offs of the Tangle Teezer because I don’t see the point of spending way too much money on a hairbrush. No matter how wonderful it is. This cost me a fraction of…

  • Okategoriserade

    Nivea Sensitive Night Cream

    I’ve tried this now for a couple of weeks and thought it time to share my experience with you all. I must confess I haven’t used it every night. And there is a reason for that. I don’t really like it that much. But I have used it enough to see the results or more the lack thereof. It says on the box that it moisturizes and reduces redness, tightness and dryness. I haven’t noticed any of the three at all. And can someone please explain to me why products gets so heavy on the greasy side when they are meant for sensitive and dry skin? I don’t want the…

  • Okategoriserade

    October Favorites

    End of October already? How did that happen??Here’s what I’ve been liking and using throughout the month of October. Enjoy! My new snazzy makeup bag! It’s by Gillian Jones, whoever that is. All I know is it was half price and it says Denmark under the name. Speaking of half price, found this gem last time I went into a Kicks store. Refreshing and cooling with a metal rollerball.  This needs no explanation. I’ve raved enough about this already.  A re-discovery for me. But now I find it too heavy and thick so I mix in some of the Express Hydration Primer and it works like a dream. I get…

  • Okategoriserade

    Fall Nail Trends

    I’m looking for new nailpolishes to rock this fall. Usually, I don’t care much whats in season. I know of the trends but decide to rock whatever color I want. No matter the season or trend. I think this fall is gonna be very much the same as last. Dark oxblood colors and dark navy colors. And new for this year seems to be jewel-tones. I see them everywhere and I can’t say I’m thrilled about it. I don’t like the oxblood trend either, but I do like a good deep winepurple colored nail. I have shades that reminds me of that but isn’t as deep. I think me and…

  • Okategoriserade

    Things I don’t wish for, but wouldn’t mind getting.

    My birthday is soon coming up and I’ve been twisting the idea of making an entry about it. Not to make it a wish list but more on the side that if any of my family members would find themselves unsure what to get me, this could be of some help. If I straight up wish for something then I know I will never get it from the love of my life. He is weird that way, but I love him. I’ve tried reversed psychology too and that doesn’t work either. I’ve been eyeing this for years! But I haven’t made the commitment yet to buy it. My current mascara…