Hi guys!
I just wanted to hop on here and share something with you all. It isn’t the end of the world. Not really. But to me, it almost is! Yesterday I had to send my camera away to be fixed. I think it’s the focusing part of the lens that is broken. The camera itself seems to be fine. After our vaccation I noticed a rattling noise coming from it whenever I started it. And the focus started hopping sideways before focusing. Never done that before. I took the lens of and started the camera and no noise. I am so sad to be without it. And it will affect my blogging as well. I make a big effort out of taking as great pictures as I can and the phone I have now is an absolute nightmare to use the camera on. It has one mode and it’s only 8 megapixels. 8 very very bad megapixels too. And don’t even get me started on focus and shutter speed. I didn’t think I would get so used to having a DSLR camera around. I’ve always taken a lot of pictures of just about everything that catches my eye. But during the 1,5 years I’ve had it I’ve taken like 6k photos. That is INSANE!!
Point being, whilst my beloved camera is being attended to I might not post anything. I don’t want you to have to guess what you’re looking at. If the pictures turns out to be decent enough I might post. I have a ton of reviews to do. For the first time in forever (that song from Frozen just started playing in my head) I’m actually having a lot of content ideas. I might pre-write them and just take photos for them when I get my camera back. I so hope they just switch out the lens free of charge. I want other lenses anyways but I don’t feel like splurging on one now. I asked the sales guy if it was normal for it to be broken after just a year or two. The warranty on the camera was just on one year. On YEAR? Are you stinking kidding me?? That is a pricey investment to start with and I think all other electronic things has at least two years. And then there is the maker of the product warranty that I think is on three years? I might be wrong so don’t quote me on that.
Anyone interested in knowing what camera I have and my experience with it please do let me know in the comments down below. I am still learning and finding new functions with it. I want to take photography class but I am just the tiniest bit short on time tihi.